Skip to contents

Attaches a dataset to the UD state supplied.


  clean = NULL,
  isgood = TRUE,
  load_msg = NULL,
  data_file_local = NULL,
  data_file_ext = NULL,
  data_file = NULL,
  sheet = NULL,
  sheets = NULL,
  code = "",
  object_name = NULL,
  contents = NULL



UD state module.


Boolean switch to determine if the headers in the loaded dataset was cleaned.


Boolean object indicating if the file was successfully loaded.


Text message indicated the success or any problems encountered when uploading the file.


Full path to the data file on the server.


File extension of the uploaded file.


Dataset file name without the path.


If the uploaded file is an excel file, this is the currently selected sheet.


If the uploaded file is an excel file, this is a character vector of the sheets present in that file.


Code to load dataset.


Name of the dataset object created when code is evaluated.


Data frame containting the contents of the data file.


state with data set attached


# We need a module state object to use this function:
sess_res = UD_test_mksession(session=list())
#> → ASM: including file
#> → ASM:   source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx")
#> → ASM:   dest:   file.path("config","report.docx")
#> → ASM: including file
#> → ASM:   source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.pptx")
#> → ASM:   dest:   file.path("config","report.pptx")
#> → ASM: including file
#> → ASM:   source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml")
#> → ASM:   dest:   file.path("config","report.yaml")
#> → ASM: State initialized
#> → ASM: setting word placeholders: 
#> → ASM:   -> setting docx ph: HEADERLEFT = left header
#> → ASM:   -> setting docx ph: HEADERRIGHT = right header
#> → ASM:   -> setting docx ph: FOOTERLEFT = left footer
#> → ASM: module isgood: TRUE
#> → UD: including file
#> → UD:   source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx")
#> → UD:   dest:   file.path("config","report.docx")
#> → UD: including file
#> → UD:   source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.pptx")
#> → UD:   dest:   file.path("config","report.pptx")
#> → UD: including file
#> → UD:   source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml")
#> → UD:   dest:   file.path("config","report.yaml")
#> → UD: State initialized
#> → UD: module checksum updated:897d952fecbc804999396a96f9df4b20
#> → UD: module isgood: TRUE
state = sess_res$state

# This is the full path to a test data file:
data_file_local  =  system.file(package="formods", "test_data", "TEST_DATA.xlsx")

# Excel file extension
data_file_ext    = "xlsx"

# Base file name
data_file        = "TEST_DATA.xlsx"

# Excel files need a sheet specification:
sheet           = "DATA"

# We will also attach the sheets along with it
sheets = readxl::excel_sheets(data_file_local)

ds_read_res = UD_ds_read(state,
  data_file_ext   = data_file_ext,
  data_file_local = data_file_local,
  data_file       = data_file,
  sheets          = sheets,
  sheet          = sheet)

# This would contain the loading code that will cascade down
# to the other modules when generating snippets and
# reproducible scripts
code = ds_read_res$code

# This is the R Object name that is used internally
# and in generated scripts. Should be the same as in
# the code above
object_name = ds_read_res$object_name

# This is the actual dataset:
contents   = ds_read_res$contents

state =  UD_attach_ds(
         data_file_local = data_file_local,
         data_file_ext   = ".xlsx",
         data_file       = data_file,
         sheet           = sheet,
         sheets          = sheets,
         code            = code,
         object_name     = object_name,
         contents        = contents)

#> $yaml
#> $yaml$FM
#> $yaml$FM$include
#> $yaml$FM$include$files
#> $yaml$FM$include$files[[1]]
#> $yaml$FM$include$files[[1]]$file
#> $yaml$FM$include$files[[1]]$file$source
#> [1] "file.path(system.file(package=\"onbrand\"), \"templates\", \"report.docx\")"
#> $yaml$FM$include$files[[1]]$file$dest
#> [1] "file.path(\"config\",\"report.docx\")"
#> $yaml$FM$include$files[[2]]
#> $yaml$FM$include$files[[2]]$file
#> $yaml$FM$include$files[[2]]$file$source
#> [1] "file.path(system.file(package=\"onbrand\"), \"templates\", \"report.pptx\")"
#> $yaml$FM$include$files[[2]]$file$dest
#> [1] "file.path(\"config\",\"report.pptx\")"
#> $yaml$FM$include$files[[3]]
#> $yaml$FM$include$files[[3]]$file
#> $yaml$FM$include$files[[3]]$file$source
#> [1] "file.path(system.file(package=\"onbrand\"), \"templates\", \"report.yaml\")"
#> $yaml$FM$include$files[[3]]$file$dest
#> [1] "file.path(\"config\",\"report.yaml\")"
#> $yaml$FM$deployed
#> [1] FALSE
#> $yaml$FM$code
#> $yaml$FM$code$theme
#> [1] "vibrant_ink"
#> $yaml$FM$code$showLineNumbers
#> [1] TRUE
#> $yaml$FM$code$gen_file
#> [1] "run_analysis.R"
#> $yaml$FM$code$gen_preamble
#> [1] "# formods automated output ------------------------------------------------\n#\nrm(list=ls())"
#> $yaml$FM$code$packages
#> [1] "onbrand" "writexl"
#> $yaml$FM$notifications
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$success
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$success$useFontAwesome
#> [1] FALSE
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$success$useIcon
#> [1] FALSE
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$success$background
#> [1] "#5bb85b"
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$failure
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$failure$useFontAwesome
#> [1] FALSE
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$failure$useIcon
#> [1] FALSE
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$failure$background
#> [1] "#d9534f"
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$info
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$info$useFontAwesome
#> [1] FALSE
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$info$useIcon
#> [1] FALSE
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$info$background
#> [1] "#5bc0de"
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$warning
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$warning$useFontAwesome
#> [1] FALSE
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$warning$useIcon
#> [1] FALSE
#> $yaml$FM$notifications$config$warning$background
#> [1] "#f0ac4d"
#> $yaml$FM$reporting
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$enabled
#> [1] TRUE
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$content_init
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$content_init$xlsx
#> [1] "rpt = list(summary = NULL,\n           sheets  = list())"
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$content_init$docx
#> [1] "rpt  = onbrand::read_template(\n  template = file.path(\"config\", \"report.docx\"),\n  mapping  = file.path(\"config\", \"report.yaml\"))"
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$content_init$pptx
#> [1] "rpt  = onbrand::read_template(\n  template = file.path(\"config\", \"report.pptx\"),\n  mapping  = file.path(\"config\", \"report.yaml\"))"
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[1]]
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[1]]$name
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[1]]$location
#> [1] "header"
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[1]]$value
#> [1] ""
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[1]]$tooltip
#> [1] "left header text"
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[2]]
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[2]]$name
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[2]]$location
#> [1] "header"
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[2]]$value
#> [1] ""
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[2]]$tooltip
#> [1] "right header text"
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[3]]
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[3]]$name
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[3]]$location
#> [1] "footer"
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[3]]$value
#> [1] ""
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs[[3]]$tooltip
#> [1] "left footer text"
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs_formatting
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs_formatting$width
#> [1] "100%"
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs_formatting$tt_position
#> [1] "left"
#> $yaml$FM$reporting$phs_formatting$tt_size
#> [1] "medium"
#> $yaml$FM$ui
#> $yaml$FM$ui$button_style
#> [1] "fill"
#> $yaml$FM$ui$select_size
#> [1] 10
#> $yaml$FM$ui$color_green
#> [1] "#00BB8A"
#> $yaml$FM$ui$color_red
#> [1] "#FF475E"
#> $yaml$FM$ui$color_blue
#> [1] "#0088FF"
#> $yaml$FM$ui$color_purple
#> [1] "#bd2cf4"
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_header
#> [1] "<span style='color:===COLOR==='><b>===NAME===</b><br/><font size='-3'>===LABEL===</font></span>"
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$subtext
#> [1] "===LABEL===: ===RANGE==="
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$many_sep
#> [1] ",...,"
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_types
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_types$character
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_types$character$color
#> [1] "#DD4B39"
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_types$character$label
#> [1] "text"
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_types$double
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_types$double$color
#> [1] "#3C8DBC"
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_types$double$label
#> [1] "num"
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_types$integer
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_types$integer$color
#> [1] "#3C8DBC"
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_types$integer$label
#> [1] "num"
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_types$other
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_types$other$color
#> [1] "black"
#> $yaml$FM$data_meta$data_types$other$label
#> [1] "other"
#> $yaml$FM$workflows
#> $yaml$FM$workflows$example
#> $yaml$FM$workflows$example$group
#> [1] "Examples"
#> $yaml$FM$workflows$example$desc
#> [1] "Example Workflow"
#> $yaml$FM$workflows$example$require_ds
#> [1] TRUE
#> $yaml$FM$workflows$example$preload
#> [1] "file.path('.', 'example.yaml')"
#> $yaml$FM$labels
#> $yaml$FM$labels$ui_label
#> [1] "put labels here"
#> $yaml$FM$user_files
#> $yaml$FM$user_files$use_tmpdir
#> [1] TRUE
#> $yaml$FM$logging
#> $yaml$FM$logging$enabled
#> [1] TRUE
#> $yaml$FM$logging$timestamp
#> [1] TRUE
#> $yaml$FM$logging$timestamp_fmt
#> [1] "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
#> $yaml$FM$logging$log_file
#> [1] "formods_log.txt"
#> $yaml$FM$logging$console
#> [1] TRUE
#> $MC
#> $MC$module
#> $MC$module$type
#> [1] "UD"
#> $MC$module$depends
#> $MC$module$depends$id_ASM
#> [1] "ASM"
#> $MC$compact
#> $MC$compact$code
#> [1] FALSE
#> $MC$compact$preview
#> [1] TRUE
#> $MC$reporting
#> $MC$reporting$enabled
#> [1] FALSE
#> $MC$reporting$priority
#> [1] 1
#> $MC$labels
#> $MC$labels$default_ds
#> [1] "Original data set"
#> $MC$labels$workflow
#> [1] "Select workflow to run"
#> $MC$labels$run_wf
#> [1] "Run Workflow"
#> $MC$labels$upload_button
#> [1] "Select file"
#> $MC$labels$tab_main
#> [1] "Upload file"
#> $MC$labels$tab_code
#> [1] "Code"
#> $MC$labels$tab_preview
#> [1] "Data preview"
#> $MC$labels$switch_clean
#> [1] "Clean column names on upload"
#> $MC$labels$rwf_success
#> [1] "Workflow complete."
#> $MC$labels$busy
#> $MC$labels$busy$rwf
#> [1] "Running workflow be patient."
#> $MC$labels$msg_bad_extension
#> [1] "Incorrect file extension (===EXT===). Unable to load file  ===FILE===.\nOnly the following extesions are allowed: ===ALLOWEDEXT===."
#> $MC$errors
#> $MC$errors$no_workflows_found
#> [1] "No valid workflows have been found"
#> $MC$errors$no_ds_for_workflow
#> [1] "The selected workflow requires a dataset. Please upload a dataset first then run the workflow."
#> $MC$errors$no_ds_for_workflow_short
#> [1] "Workflow not run, no dataset."
#> $MC$errors$no_asm_state
#> [1] "Unable to read ASM state."
#> $MC$errors$ss_failed
#> [1] "Unable to save workflow file."
#> $MC$errors$ls_failed
#> [1] "Unable to load workflow file."
#> $MC$errors$rwf_failed
#> [1] "Workflow failed."
#> $MC$tooltips
#> $MC$tooltips$include
#> [1] TRUE
#> $MC$tooltips$show_code
#> [1] "Show data reading code"
#> $MC$formatting
#> $MC$formatting$preview
#> $MC$formatting$preview$width
#> [1] 800
#> $MC$formatting$preview$height
#> [1] 500
#> $MC$formatting$code
#> $MC$formatting$code$width
#> [1] 500
#> $MC$formatting$code$height
#> [1] 200
#> $MC$formatting$switch_clean
#> $MC$formatting$switch_clean$tooltip
#> [1] "Strange characters in column names can cause problems. When switched on, this will clean up the column headers and fix those that might break things."
#> $MC$formatting$switch_clean$tooltip_position
#> [1] "bottom"
#> $MC$formatting$workflow
#> $MC$formatting$workflow$width
#> [1] "200px"
#> $MC$formatting$workflow$liveSearch
#> [1] TRUE
#> $MC$formatting$workflow$size
#> [1] 10
#> $MC$formatting$btn_run_wf
#> $MC$formatting$btn_run_wf$size
#> [1] "sm"
#> $MC$formatting$btn_run_wf$width
#> [1] "200px"
#> $MC$formatting$btn_run_wf$block
#> [1] TRUE
#> $MC$formatting$btn_run_wf$tooltip
#> [1] "Run selected workflow"
#> $MC$formatting$btn_run_wf$tooltip_position
#> [1] "right"
#> $MC$allowed_extensions
#> [1] "csv"  "tsv"  "xls"  "xlsx"
#> $MC$code
#> $MC$code$packages
#> [1] "readxl"  "readr"   "janitor"
#> $MC$code$readOnly
#> [1] TRUE
#> $MC$code$mode
#> [1] "r"
#> $MC$code$preamble
#> [1] "# Loading data ------------------------------------------------------------"
#> $MC$ds_object_name
#> [1] "myDS"
#> $MC$clean_data
#> $MC$clean_data$enabled
#> [1] TRUE
#> $MC$clean_data$default
#> [1] TRUE
#> $MC$clean_data$code
#> [1] "# Make sure you put whatever packages you use here in the packages section\n# above.\n#\n# contents - data frame containing the loaded dataset.\n# code     - code used to load the dataset you need to append any cleaning\n#            code you generate  here.\n# object_name - Name of the dataset object used in generated code.\nif(system.file(package=\"janitor\") != \"\"){\n  contents = janitor::clean_names(contents, case=\"none\")\n  code = paste0(code, '\\n', object_name, ' = janitor::clean_names(', object_name,', case=\"none\")')\n}"
#> $UD
#> $UD$button_counters
#> $UD$button_counters$btn_run_wf
#> [1] 0
#> $UD$ui_hold
#> $UD$ui_hold$workflow
#> [1] FALSE
#> $UD$ui_hold$btn_run_wf
#> [1] FALSE
#> $UD$ui_ids
#> [1] "workflow"   "btn_run_wf"
#> $UD$isgood
#> [1] TRUE
#> $UD$code
#> [1] "myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=\"TEST_DATA.xlsx\", sheet=\"DATA\")\nmyDS = janitor::clean_names(myDS, case=\"none\")"
#> $UD$object_name
#> [1] "myDS"
#> $UD$checksum
#> [1] "079b8441fa383a01152784356bea85ae"
#> $UD$ui
#> $UD$ui$workflow
#> [1] ""
#> $UD$ui$btn_run_wf
#> [1] 0
#> $UD$ui_old
#> $UD$ui_old$workflow
#> [1] ""
#> $UD$ui_old$btn_run_wf
#> [1] 0
#> $UD$data_file_local
#> [1] "/private/var/folders/pq/7srbf_fx3rd3k706hgxkg61r0000gp/T/RtmpcUKOgR/temp_libpath5bb2519acd9d/formods/test_data/TEST_DATA.xlsx"
#> $UD$data_file_ext
#> [1] ".xlsx"
#> $UD$data_file
#> [1] "TEST_DATA.xlsx"
#> $UD$sheet
#> [1] "DATA"
#> $UD$sheets
#> [1] "DATA" "DDT" 
#> $UD$contents
#> # A tibble: 10,680 × 33
#>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>
#>  1     1       0       0        0        0     0 3000000    0  dose     3000000
#>  2     1       0       0        0        0     0       0 1250  BM_ng_ml 3000000
#>  3     1       0       0        0        0     0       0    0  C_ng_ml  3000000
#>  4     1       1      24        1       24    24       0 1647  BM_ng_ml 3000000
#>  5     1       1      24        1       24    24       0  690. C_ng_ml  3000000
#>  6     1       2      48        2       48    48       0 1947  BM_ng_ml 3000000
#>  7     1       2      48        2       48    48       0  588. C_ng_ml  3000000
#>  8     1       3      72        3       72    72       0 2170  BM_ng_ml 3000000
#>  9     1       3      72        3       72    72       0  506. C_ng_ml  3000000
#> 10     1       4      96        4       96    96       0 2332  BM_ng_ml 3000000
#> # ℹ 10,670 more rows
#> # ℹ 23 more variables: DOSE_STR <chr>, Cohort <chr>, ROUTE <chr>, WT <dbl>,
#> #   SUBTYPE <chr>, SEX <chr>, F1 <dbl>, ka <dbl>, CL <dbl>, Vc <dbl>, Vp <dbl>,
#> #   Q <dbl>, BM_IC <dbl>, kdeg_BM <dbl>, Emax <dbl>, EC50 <dbl>, CMT <chr>,
#> #   DUR <dbl>, EVID <dbl>, NDose <chr>, DOSE_NUM <dbl>, SUBTYPE_ID <dbl>,
#> #   SEX_ID <dbl>
#> [1] "UD"
#> $id
#> [1] "UD"
#> $FM_yaml_file
#> [1] "/private/var/folders/pq/7srbf_fx3rd3k706hgxkg61r0000gp/T/RtmpcUKOgR/temp_libpath5bb2519acd9d/formods/templates/formods.yaml"
#> $MOD_yaml_file
#> [1] "/private/var/folders/pq/7srbf_fx3rd3k706hgxkg61r0000gp/T/RtmpcUKOgR/temp_libpath5bb2519acd9d/formods/templates/UD.yaml"
#> $shiny_token
#> [1] "non_shiny"